The folk-rock band Hunters has been together in some form or another since 2011, when Will Decher showed up on Rosa del Duca’s doorstep to answer a Craigslist call to collaborate. That partnership led to three albums, dozens of shows and many good times before Will and Rosa took a break to start families.
The band’s current configuration remains fronted by co-founder and lead singer Rosa del Duca. It all started with a playdate. Rosa took her then-kindergartener over to her new friend’s house and discovered the walls plastered with band posters. Not just any band posters. Some of her favorite bands of all time.
It turns out fellow father of two Kyle Champlin played the guitar too. And the pedal steel. And the mandolin. And even a strange magical electronic teardrop called an Omnichord. The two jammed one night and almost immediately decided to bring in bassist Hunter Van Dam and the most recent Hunters drummer, John Maurer. Within two months the new group was playing three-hour gigs.
Hunters performs a mix of originals and covers that run the gamut from alt-country to indie rock. Soulful, warm, and dynamic, there’s something for everyone.
“Hunters brand of Folk music is second to none… [witnessed by] their stunning track ‘White Lies’”
– www.itsallindie.com
“If you’re a fan of alt-country you’re going to fall in love with this. It’s likely that it will be your best friend on your next big road trip.”
– weallwantsomeone.org